Graph Skills For Introductory Economics

For Jerry Evensky's Introductory Economics course

Good graphing skills are essential to the study of economics. This Graph Skills Self-Assessment provides you with a pretest to assess your skill level in this area and offers you the opportunity to review these skills. Data analysis of students' performances in past semesters suggests those who are weak in these skills often have difficulty with the material because the "language" used in class (the graphs) confuses them. (As one student put it: "It's Greek to me.") It is very important that you determine as early as possible if you have a problem with these skills, because if you do there is something you can do to help yourself. You can tune-up your skills.

You should complete this pretest early in the semester so you can determine if you need review in these skills. If you wish to review any of these skills, there is a button at the bottom of the pretest that will take you to the tutorial. Before going to the pretest, read through the instructions below.

Pretest Instructions
There are two versions of the pretest available. If you have a web browser that will allow you to use JavaScript you should take the self-scoring version of the test (If you are accessing this pretest from a University computer cluster you should use the self-scoring version). If you do not have a browser that will recognize JavaScript you will need to take the paper and pencil version. You can also find a copy of this pretest on reserve in the library.

go to self-scoring version | go to paper and pencil version

Graph Skills Review

The graph skills review is divided into two parts.