Detailed Answers to Additional Practice:
Variables, Constants, and Their Relationships

  1. An ice cream shop sells a single scoop cone for $2.00. If you wish to have more than a single scoop cone, additional scoops can be added at the cost of $1.00 each. The relationship between the variables is given by the equation:

    p = 1.00s + 2.00

    In this case the total price (p) of a cone is dependent upon the number of additional scoops you select (s). Therefore:

  2. A warehouse packs 28 boxes of cereal in a carton. The number of boxes of cereal that get packed is given by the relationship:

    y = 28x

    In this question the number of cartons (x) used determines the number of boxes (y) of cereal packed. Therefore:

If you got any of these wrong and still do not understand why, read through the definitions given in the unit again. When you are comfortable with the definitions of dependent variable and independent variable, move on to the next unit.

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