Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

All colleges and universities have an academic integrity policy to hold students and faculty from serious breaches of ethical conduct such as plagiarizing. Though each instruction's policy is different, there are general academic integrity rules that apply at any academic instritution. Violation of the rules varies depending on the severity of the accusation, but most can lead to expulsion. Many universities focus on these aspects:

Citing Sources

Students must use sources correctly. There are many rules that are important to be familiar with when writing for a college or university in America. Plagiarism is using a person's words or ideas without giving them credit. When using information, quoting authors, or paraphrasing from books, websites, interviews, journals, etc... It is imperative that students cite their sources.

Course work and research honesty

Course work and research dishonesty ential actions such as cheating on tests and quizzes, copying work from other students, destroying someone else's work, and using work you have previously handed in in a different course without the instructor's permission. You should consult your university's academic integrity guidelines to ensure you are not breaking the rules.

Truthful Communication

Honesty is not just a function of your course work and projects but also speaks to the way you communicate with others. Manufacturing reasons for requesting extensions, signing in for an absent class mate or faking an illness to make up an exame can be construed as acts of academic dishonesty and can have dire consequences in your status with your university.

Using materials and data appropriately

All university have lengthy procedures for dealing with data and materials. Falsying records, innapropiately handling research data, and mishandling research materials are serious ethical breachs. Make sure you are properly trained and that you review university policies before embarking on any of these activities.


  • Review university policies and guidelines
  • When in doubt, ask your professors for clarification
  • Be truthful when you communicate

Academic Integrity Resources


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