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This strategy is effective for multi-modality learners and is easily adapter whether you will be tested on the material or need to write a paer. The study aid created is a set of flash cards or index cards. It is a strategy that is most efficient for a text dependent course. Courses that Flash Card Reading has been adapted in successfully are fashion design, languages, public administration, and architecture.

Survey Know you reading purpose and skim the chapter to find where the information is located. Skim the introduction, summary, and headings. When you have a purpose and recognize how the author organized the ideas you will read more efficiently.
Read Read section by section. If taking a test on the material, summarize the information on the front of a flash card. If writing a paper, on a flash card, write the page number and quote you might want to include in your paper. Put an asterisk next to the information in the text so it will be easier to find later. Creating the flash cards helps you learn the material as you read.
Review After you finish reading, complete the reverse side of the index card. If taking a test, write 5 questions on the back of each card. At the end of a week, review the questions you anticipated. If you can't answer them, read your summary and, if still not confident with your mastery of the material, return to the appropriate section of the text and locate the answer. If writing a paper, write the topic the quote pertains to on the reverse side. Then organize the cards in the order you will need them while you write you paper The flash cards you create provide an efficient aid for test preparation or organizing your ideas for writing a paper.


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