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This strategy is effective in text-dependent courses or any course that is difficult for you. Notice the multiple steps for learning. The emphasis in this strategy is reading according to your attention span. You determine the number of minutes that you will read. The X represents any number of minutes; you determine it based on your attention limit. This strategy has been use in a wide range of courses, from the technical ones in professional schools to the more liberal-arts-type courses. This strategy is very good for a multi-modality learner.

Survey Get an overview of the text by reading the title, introduction, objectives, summary, headings and subheadings, and a list of terms. Decide how long you will read, specifically the number of minutes This will help you identify the major ideas and important details. Setting your own reading time will help you keep your concentration while you read.
Read Decide on what you need to know and read for the number of minutes you determined. When you stop reading, do it at the end of a section, such as at the end of a subheading. Reading with a purpose and consistent with your attention span will improve your reading comprehension.
Summarize At the conclusion of your reading time, summarize what you read by creating a study aid, such as a graphic organizer, keyword outline, etc.. Restructuring the information by creating a study aid will improve retention.
Review Before you begin your next reading time, use the study aid to review. When you finish your review, continue to read for the identified reading time, summarize, and review until the reading assignment is completed. As you review the most recently read section, also review the previous readings by using your study aids Distributed practice of the material will decrease the test preparation time when the exam is imminent as well as aid in the recall of the information
Reward Reward yourself when you are finished with the reading assignment The reward provides motivation for completing the reading assignment.


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